Businesses lose over $500 billion annually due to high costs of customer acquisition, low engagement and conversion. Immersive technologies can increase engagement and conversion by more than 300%, reduce acquisition costs by 200% and reduce project costs by 75%. However: Fragmentation of immersive technologies. We have hundreds of immersive technology types and even names, for instance, augmented, virtual, mixed, video effects, nerf, photogrammetry, 3D rendering, printing, CAD, digital twins, virtual tours, lenses, filters, reels, and more. Fragmentation means creators, audiences, and businesses only take advantage of a tiny fraction of these technologies’ potential. Having to implement solutions for each aspect is, therefore, time-consuming. Interoperability is a challenge as specific devices are often required for some of these technologies, as different devices are needed. For example, the conventional VR approach uses VR headsets and many more, creating unnecessary complexities and making adoption harder for users.

High cost, complexity, and regulatory compliance for some of these technologies can be a huge barrier preventing implementation.

Some of these technologies require specialist training, creating a skills gap, which means further barriers to implementation. The challenges mentioned above further impact user acceptance, quality expectation and change management, thus creating unnecessary barriers to mass adoption. Due to the fragmentation and interoperability issues, performance and reliability can be an issue on some devices.

Pryntd seamlessly converges various immersive technologies, making creating, distributing, interacting, and monetising 2D, 3D, and 4D experiences accessible for creators, audiences and businesses.

We pioneered the transformation of 2D content into VR experiences in 2020, starting with music videos and live performances through livestreams, transforming into immersive VR experiences complete with motion sensing and split screens accessible on smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs and AR VR devices. We included 3D and haptic support. In 2024, we have stepped it further with the introduction of Fourdify. Fourdify transforms 2D and 3D content into 4D experiences. Based on Einstein’s theory of space-time, we observe the world around us in four dimensions: three dimensions of space that account for length, breadth and height or depth and the fourth dimension is time. We wanted to digitally translate this theory into a transformation that allows us to experience digital experiences the same way we experience the physical world around us. The convergence of the physical and digital interactions into a virtual experience is what we call 4D. 4D allows the creator, audience or business (remember that in the Pryntd community, a user can be any three of these) to add time-coded (this means that actions that have start and end times) based interactions into 2D and 3D content. 4D means users can add hotspots and tags to content that allow the experience to jump back and forth in time, call to action on URLs, and embed images, videos, livestreams, 3D objects, maps, and more in scenes. These hotspots can be tracked to 0.0000001 seconds on the scene. Imagine 4D as an image, video and live stream-based virtual tour. Scenes are added to tours, which means there can be continuity, moving across scenes to enhance storytelling, collaboration, multiple POVs and much more. Users can create interactive 2D, 3D, and 4D experiences accessible on smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs, and AR VR devices with a simple upload, embed, and go live button.

In 4D, experiences can be shared and embedded so that what is being shown in the time it is being shown is shared. This means that whomever you share sees precisely what you want them to see. 

We made it easy to use, and no prior knowledge was required.

We have incentivised creators, businesses, and audiences through monetisation, which ranges from ads to e-commerce. 

There will be more support for all five senses using the latest immersive and streaming technology and immersive collaborative tools across devices and gadgets.

Imagine adding time-coded interactions to images, videos, and livestreams in 2D and 3D, the possibilities become -unlimit-3D. Discover the power of 4D technology now.