With the belief that the Future of AI x Robot UI/UX is 3D, Pryntd pioneered an AI-driven spatial engagement technology that allows creators and businesses to integrate spatial interaction into their processes, products and services, supporting them with a robust end-to-end solution. It enables them to craft interactive multi-sensory engagement experiences for better collaboration and
Experience Goku and Vegeta performing the fusion dance to make Gogeta in a VR 360 video! I hope you enjoy it!:) Dragonball Super Broly!
Pryntd is the perfect answer for seamlessly bridging the physical and digital realms. This innovative AI-driven platform delivers interactive 3D experiences and converts 2D content into captivating 3D adventures. Pryntd’s unique user-generated content model empowers creators to monetise their work through revenue share ads, ad-free subscriptions, tickets, and e-commerce. Accessible across native browsers of various devices, including smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs, and AR/VR devices, Pryntd eliminates accessibility barriers, sparing users from needing expensive headsets. Pryntd ensures an immersive experience without breaking the bank by leveraging intuitive motion sensing with the gyroscope and accelerometer. Pryntd isn’t just a platform; it’s a revolutionary game-changer, transforming the digital content engagement landscape.
In recent years, 3D experiences have emerged as a transformative force across various industries, revolutionising how businesses engage with customers and stakeholders. From virtual tours of real estate properties to interactive product showcases in retail, the value of immersive 3D experiences cannot be overstated. As technology evolves, businesses increasingly recognise the importance of incorporating these cutting-edge capabilities into their strategies to stay competitive in today’s digital landscape. Pryntd is leading the charge in democratising access to 3D experiences and unlocking their full potential for businesses and creators. By making 3D content creation accessible, monetisable, and seamlessly integrated into the digital landscape, Pryntd drives innovation and pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in spatial engagement. As businesses continue to embrace the power of 3D experiences, Pryntd stands poised to be the critical catalyst for transformation in the years to come.
  Retail: Pryntd enables interactive 3D product showcases for e-commerce, driving engagement and sales through contextual ads.   Fashion: Brands can showcase clothing in 3D, allowing users to virtually try before buying, with revenue from brand partnerships and ad placements.   Real Estate: Immersive 3D property tours attract potential buyers, generating revenue through real estate
Pryntd: Realising the Dreams of Immersive Visionaries and Founding Fathers Introduction In the world of immersive technologies, some pioneers and visionaries laid the foundation for concepts that seemed like dreams, destined to be confined to science fiction. Today, as we stand on the precipice of a new era, Pryntd emerges as a platform that embraces the aspirations of these predecessors and brings them to life. With the power of extended reality (XR), Pryntd has set out to fulfil the dreams of those who once dared to imagine a world beyond our own. A Journey from Fiction to Reality Imagine stepping into a world where the physical boundaries of reality do not limit your senses. Stanley G. Weinbaum, a pioneer of speculative fiction, envisioned such a world in his short story “Pygmalion’s Spectacles” back in 1935. Little did he know that his ideas would become the foundation for the immersive experiences we now call virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Pryntd stands on the shoulders of visionaries like Weinbaum, turning fiction into reality by offering a platform that seamlessly bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds. Bringing Star Trek’s Holodeck to Life Gene Roddenberry’s creation, “Star Trek,” introduced us to the Holodeck, where anything was possible through virtual reality. Today, Pryntd realises this vision by enabling users to enter their personalised Holodeck-like experiences. By transforming images, videos, and live streams into extended 3D reality, Pryntd lets users immerse themselves in a world where creativity knows no bounds. Just as Roddenberry’s Holodeck brought imagination to life, Pryntd empowers users to create and share immersive narratives. From Snow Crash to Metaverse Neal Stephenson’s novel “Snow Crash” ignited the idea of the Metaverse, a digital realm that transcends the limitations of the physical world. Pryntd takes a step closer to realising this dream by offering a platform where users can discover, engage, and create immersive content and monetise their experiences. With Pryntd’s technology, the Metaverse becomes a tangible possibility where users consume and actively contribute to the digital landscape. Altered Carbon’s Digital Existence Richard K. Morgan’s “Altered Carbon” explored the concept of transferring consciousness between bodies, leading to the question of what it means to exist genuinely. Pryntd, through its immersive technology, allows us to ponder these existential questions in a different light. By seamlessly blending the real and digital worlds, Pryntd encourages users to explore new dimensions of existence and self-expression, embodying the essence of “Altered Carbon” in a new form. Conclusion Pryntd is a testament to the dreams of visionaries and founding fathers who dared to imagine a world beyond the ordinary. From the musings of Stanley G. Weinbaum to the visions of Gene Roddenberry, Neal Stephenson, and Richard K. Morgan, their ideas have found a tangible realisation in Pryntd’s immersive platform. As we embrace the capabilities of extended reality, we step closer to a future where boundaries blur, creativity flourishes, and dreams, once confined to fiction, become our lived experiences. Pryntd is not just a platform; it’s a tribute to the imagination and ambition that have propelled us into a new era of immersive possibilities.
Pryntd is an AI-driven platform revolutionising immersive experiences. It allows users to instantly create extended reality content from 2D images and videos with hotspots and detailed analytics. This cutting-edge technology solves critical business problems such as low engagement and conversions. The platform’s hotspots enable interactive elements like ads, images, videos, and 3D experiences. Users spend an average of 13 minutes per scene, compared to 3.5 minutes in traditional 2D videos. This drives exceptional user engagement and interaction rates, supported by Drum’s finding that immersive experiences increase engagement by over 250%. The market will be worth $1.5Trn by 2030. Pryntd is on a mission to make immersive experiences (discovery, engagement, creation, and monetisation) easily accessible for a billion people by 2030. Starting with a community of creators, audiences, brands and advertisers, addressing challenges posed by privacy changes for targeted advertising, leading to businesses losing tens of billions of dollars. The platform allows users to monetise through contextual advertising, subscriptions, and e-commerce, with Pryntd taking a cut. PRYNTD differentiates with Its support for 3D and 360 cameras, haptic objects, and AR/VR headsets, allowing for more advanced XR experiences. The team’s 360/VR content creator and software engineer expertise enhance its capabilities. In addition to its immersive solutions, Pryntd offers merchandise customisable with extended reality experiences, allowing users to create unique and interactive fashion statements. The company’s growth hacking strategy involves targeted marketing, influencer collaboration, and co-creation to expand its customer base, targeting 4 billion users globally, 2 billion SAM, and 1 billion SOM in 5 years. Pryntd’s technology also aligns with the UK’s net-zero targets by reducing the need for physical experiences, promoting sustainable practices, and supporting remote engagement. Furthermore, the platform has the potential to enhance the autonomous vehicle industry by creating more immersive and interactive experiences for passengers during travel. Overall, Pryntd’s innovative immersive experiences solve the critical business problems of low engagement and conversion rates, driving growth and value for users and businesses.