[videopanoramavc vp_mark=”tsha_capricorn_sun” vp_video=”https://videos.files.wordpress.com/ftt5DKA5/tsha-running-official-video.mp4″ vp_video_bg=”51573″ vp_nm=”Watch with motion sensing, split screen VR”]

Taken from the album ‘Capricorn Sun’, released 7 October 2022 on Ninja Tune: https://tsha.lnk.to/capricorn-sunYo
Subscribe: https://found.ee/tsha-ys

Directed and Art Directed by Danae Gosset / @danaegosset
Produced by Pencil Studio / @pencil.tv
3D Lead Design & Animation: Vasco Gross / @sco_va
3D Character Animation: David Bonilla / @dabomont
2D Animation: Britton Korbel (@greatbrittonusa), Isabel Stub (@isabelstub), Amy Cho (@regulardrawings), Ewan Creed (@ewanilose), Gabby Sibilska (@blagabalanga), Emma Zwickert (@emmazwickert)
Titles Design by Julie Pavia / @julie_pavia
Thanks to Patricia Gloum / @patriciagloum

Follow TSHA –
Spotify: https://found.ee/tsha-sp
Apple Music: https://found.ee/tsha-am
YouTube: https://found.ee/tsha-yt
Bandcamp: https://found.ee/tsha-bc
Soundcloud: https://found.ee/tsha-sc
Instagram: https://found.ee/tsha-ig
TikTok: https://found.ee/tsha-tt
Facebook: https://found.ee/tsha-fb
Twitter: https://found.ee/tsha-tw

#TSHA #NinjaTune